Saturday, September 10, 2022

Setting the Stage & Building Connections: The Importance of a 'Meet the School Counselor' Lesson

Today, I want to chat with you about an essential part of our job: introducing ourselves to students each year. It's like setting the stage for a fantastic school year! Having a  "Meet the School Counselor" lesson is crucial for building connections and establishing a positive relationship with our students. Even if your students have known you for all of their elementary years, it’s important to remind them each year how you can support them!

First things first, why do we need to conduct a meet the counselor lesson? Well, it's all about building trust and rapport with our students. By introducing ourselves early on, we create a welcoming and approachable atmosphere. When students feel comfortable around us, they're more likely to seek our support when they need it. Plus, by clarifying our role as school counselors, we help students understand how we can assist them in their academic, social, emotional, and career development.

So, what should be included in this lesson? Let's break it down:

Personal Connection: Start by sharing a bit about yourself. Let students know who you are, how long you've been a school counselor, your interests, and maybe even a fun fact or two. This personal touch helps students see you as a relatable and trustworthy person.

Explaining Our Role: It's vital to clearly articulate what we do as school counselors. Talk about how we support students' academic success and well-being. Share examples of how we help with schoolwork, friendships, family issues, and urgent situations. Students need to understand that we're here to support them through any challenges they may face.

Location and Accessibility: Make sure students know where to find you when they need help. Explain the process of self-referral, teacher referrals, parent referrals, and follow-up appointments. This empowers students to seek assistance whenever they need it.

Confidentiality and Trust: Discuss the importance of confidentiality in our counseling relationship. Let students know that their conversations with us are private, unless their safety or the safety of others is at risk. By emphasizing confidentiality, we build trust and ensure students feel comfortable sharing their concerns with us.

Engaging Activities: Incorporate fun and interactive activities to help students share information about themselves and foster a sense of connection and community within the classroom. By designing activities that encourage active participation and self-expression, you can create an inclusive and engaging environment. 

Lights, Camera, Action!

I love having a theme for each of my lessons. One of my favorite introduction lessons is called Setting the Stage. It is Hollywood themed and I explain that we school counselors are like the "Best Supporting Actors" in the school. I tell them how we're there to support their learning and help them tackle any issues that may come their way, so they can focus on being awesome students!

To make a point about self-worth, I bring out a $20 bill. We talk about how valuable money is and then I crumple it up, throw it on the ground, stomp on it, and yell insults at it. You should see my students’ faces! But when I ask if anyone still wants that crumpled bill, they all raise their hands. That's when I explain that just like the $20 bill, our value as individuals remains the same no matter what challenges we face. It’s always a powerful moment!

After discussing all the important info about my role as the school counselor, to make things even more exciting, we play a game called "Surprising Facts of the Stars." Each student writes down something about themselves that others might not know. It could be anything from a surprising fact to an interesting job, unusual favorite food, or a special interest. Then, I collect the cards and read them out loud for the class to guess who it is. It’s a blast and we all learn some fascinating things about each other!

To wrap it all up, students participate in a "Mad-Lib Movie" activity which creates hilarious stories! Some students like to keep their stories, while others contribute their sheets to make a book or display.

Overall, it’s important to get to know each other at the beginning of the year, understand my role as a counselor, and build a sense of trust and community in the classroom. Having an engaging Meet the Counselor lesson provides numerous benefits to our students. They become more aware of the support available to them, feel empowered to seek guidance, and develop a sense of belonging within the school community. Ultimately, this sets the stage for building a bond of support throughout the school year.

Ready to Use Resource

Shop Here for this resource:

Looking for more Meet the Counselor Lessons? Check these out: 

Monday, February 1, 2021

Project PEACE: Setting Up a Peer Mediation Program for Conflict Resolution in Schools

Conflict happens, and schools are no exception. But what if we could equip students with the skills to resolve disputes in a positive way? That's where peer mediation comes in. In this blog post, we'll discuss what peer mediation is, how it can be integrated into a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), and why it's a game-changer for kids, both in the short and long term.

What's Peer Mediation?

Peer mediation is like having your own conflict resolution superheroes at school. Trained student mediators step in to help their peers who are caught up in a disagreement. They remain neutral and guide the conversation, helping everyone involved understand the root of the problem, brainstorm solutions, and find a resolution that everyone agrees on. It's all about empowering students to take charge of resolving conflicts and promoting understanding among their peers.

Integrating Peer Mediation into MTSS:

Imagine a system that not only supports academic growth but also addresses behavior and social-emotional well-being. That's MTSS, and peer mediation fits right in. By incorporating peer mediation into MTSS, schools create a comprehensive framework that tackles conflicts head-on and provides early support. It's all about stopping small issues from becoming big problems.

Benefits for Kids:

  • Supercharged Confidence: Peer mediation gives students the power to make a difference. They become more confident in their ability to solve problems and develop essential leadership skills. Plus, seeing their efforts lead to positive outcomes boosts their self-esteem.
  • Communication Mastery: Through the mediation process, students learn to listen actively and communicate effectively. They discover how to express their thoughts and feelings while understanding where others are coming from. It's all about building bridges through words.
  • Conflict Resolution Ninja Skills: Peer mediation equips kids with a superpower that they can use throughout their lives. They learn problem-solving, negotiation, compromise, and creative thinking. These skills come in handy in all sorts of situations, not just at school.
  • A Better School Vibe: When students know there's a safe space to resolve conflicts, it transforms the school climate. Peer mediation promotes respect, empathy, and a sense of belonging, making the entire school a better place to learn and grow.

Long-Term Results:

  • Less Discipline, More Smiles: With peer mediation, disciplinary issues take a nosedive. By addressing conflicts early on, the program prevents small problems from spiraling into big trouble. Students can learn and thrive without the burden of constant punishments.
  • Improved Academic Learning: When students feel supported and safe, they can focus on their studies. By reducing conflicts and nurturing positive relationships, peer mediation indirectly boosts academic performance. It's a win-win.
  • Skills for Life: The conflict resolution skills learned through peer mediation extend far beyond school walls. Students carry these skills into adulthood, becoming responsible citizens who can peacefully resolve conflicts in any setting.

Setting Up a Peer Mediation Program:

So now that you know how much of a game-changer Peer Mediation is, I’m sure you are wondering, what is needed to get a Peer Mediation Program started in my school? Well, look no further because I am going to share with you how I set up Project PEACE, a Peer Mediation Program at my school. In this section, I'll walk you through the steps to set up a successful peer mediation program in your school.

#1 Get the Faculty on Board: To kickstart the program, it's essential to gain support from your school's faculty. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!!! Take the time to educate teachers and staff about the amazing benefits of peer mediation. Show them how it can improve the overall school climate and enhance student well-being. Once they see the positive impact it can have, you'll have their support in no time!

#2 Rally Student Engagement: Your students' participation is key to making the program a success. So, let's get them excited about peer mediation! Get creative with your approaches to promote it among the student body. Organize cool awareness campaigns, have hashtags everywhere with QR codes to sign up, host engaging presentations, and plaster posters and flyers all over the school. Show your students how peer mediation can give them a voice and contribute to a more harmonious school environment. #ProjectPEACE

#3 Handpick Awesome Peer Mediators: Now it's time to select the superheroes who will become your peer mediators. Look for students who possess the qualities needed to excel in this role. To make the selection process a breeze, check out the Project PEACE Peer Mediator Selection Pack. It's loaded with tools and resources to help you identify the most qualified candidates. Talk about saving time and effort!

#4 Equip Mediators with Super Skills: Once you've chosen your peer mediators, it's training time! Equip them with the necessary skills for successful mediation. You can purchase established training programs or get creative and develop your own materials. Consider incorporating small group lessons on conflict resolution and mediation techniques. Teach them active listening, effective communication, empathy, and the art of staying neutral!

#5 Navigate Conflicts Like Pros: Your mediators are trained and ready to go, but they'll need a structured process to guide their mediation sessions. Enter the Project PEACE Peer Mediation Process Packet! This handy resource provides guided mediation scripts and essential forms to conduct successful peer mediations. It's like a secret weapon that empowers your mediators to navigate conflicts like seasoned pros.

#6 Evaluation: To keep things running smoothly, establish a system for evaluating the effectiveness of your peer mediation program. Regularly assess its impact and gather feedback from participants to make any necessary improvements. This data is perfect to share with your administrators, teachers, parents, and invested supporters! set up a scheduling system that ensures mediation sessions don't disrupt academic activities. It's all about finding that perfect balance!

#7 Scheduling: Set up a scheduling system that ensures mediation sessions don't disrupt academic activities. Along with scheduling, make sure the mediation takes place in a confidential area where students can safely express their concerns. It's all about finding that perfect balance! 

Investing in a peer mediation program will transform your school's conflict resolution culture and empower your students to become leaders and problem-solvers. Just imagine the positive ripple effects it will have on your school's climate and the lifelong skills your students will develop.

So, don't wait any longer! Take the first step towards implementing a peer mediation and create a more peaceful and inclusive learning environment for everyone. It's time to make a real difference!

Ready to Use Resource

Shop Here for the Project PEACE Program:

Looking for Conflict Resolution Lessons? Check Tuckerhese out!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Creating a Welcoming Classroom Community: Engage Students with a People Scavenger Hunt

A Warm Welcome

Welcome your students to a vibrant and inclusive classroom community with an exciting get-to-know-you activity. Designed for older elementary and middle school students, a People Scavenger Hunt is an excellent addition to your beginning-of-the-year activities!

Fabulous Friendship-Building

For new students, and even returning students, the first days in a new classroom or school can be an overwhelming experience. They may feel anxious, nervous, and uncertain about fitting in. As a school counselor, it's crucial to create an environment where students feel welcomed, valued, and connected. One effective way to achieve this is through interactive activities that encourage students to meet new friends and discover common interests.

Facilitating Connections and Camaraderie

Introducing the People Scavenger Hunt, a fun-filled activity that will help your students break the ice and build connections. The objective is simple: Students will interact with their classmates, asking them the provided questions and recording the names of those who answer "yes." This engaging activity not only promotes social interaction but also encourages active listening and communication skills.

To ensure fairness and inclusivity, I recommend limiting each box to one classmate's name. However, if you have concerns about having enough students to fill each box, additional rules can be introduced to adapt the game. For example, students may have the same person sign their sheet twice, sign their own sheet twice, or choose one box as a free space. These variations ensure that every student has the opportunity to participate and feel included.

To add an extra layer of excitement, consider offering small prizes for the first few completed scavenger hunts. This friendly competition motivates students to actively engage with their peers and encourages participation. The anticipation of winning a prize can create a buzz in the classroom, fostering a lively atmosphere and a sense of camaraderie among students.

Discovering the Delights of Our Diverse Peer Group

Once the scavenger hunt is complete, gather the students together to share interesting facts they learned about their classmates. This sharing session not only helps students discover shared interests but also celebrates the diversity within their peer group. By highlighting the unique qualities of each individual, you'll foster a sense of belonging and create a strong foundation for a supportive and inclusive classroom community.

Cultivating a Strong and Inclusive Classroom Community

By implementing this People Scavenger Hunt, you'll not only create a fun and lively atmosphere in your classroom but also cultivate a strong sense of community. Students will develop meaningful relationships, discover shared interests, and celebrate the diversity within their peer group. This activity lays the foundation for a supportive and inclusive classroom environment that promotes collaboration, empathy, and mutual respect.

So, let the hunt begin! Bring your students closer together, spark conversations, and lay the foundation for a supportive and inclusive classroom environment!

Ready to Use Resource

Don't miss out on this awesome chance to create a super welcoming and fun experience for your new students. Shop here for this resource:

Looking for more New Student Activities? Check these out:

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Oh Deer: Santa's Reindeer Need to Learn about being Kind to Others! Holiday-Themed Escape Room Adventure Lesson

Hey there! I've got an amazing story to share with you about the time I taught this incredible holiday-themed Escape Room lesson to my students. It was an absolute blast, and the impact it had on my students was beyond anything I could have imagined. So, grab a seat and get ready to be inspired!

You know how much students love Escape Rooms, right? Well, imagine combining that excitement with the magic of the holiday season. That's exactly what I did, and my students were jolly from start to finish! The lesson was all about kindness, compassion, empathy, and conflict resolution, and it was an adventure they'll never forget!

The lesson began with a twist—Santa's reindeer had somehow landed themselves on the Naughty List! As soon as my students heard that, they were determined to help the reindeer learn how to be kind to others. Split into teams, their mission was clear: guide the reindeer through a series of puzzles and challenges that highlighted the key aspects of kindness.

Frosty Feelings:

Each puzzle served a unique purpose in teaching my students valuable lessons. The first one was all about recognizing feelings, an important skill in our fast-paced world where emotions can sometimes be overlooked. To solve this puzzle, students had to match scenarios written on the bottom of a snowman with the corresponding feelings displayed on the top. Once they made the right matches, they used Santa's cipher to decode a picture on the snowman's hat. The decoded message helped them fill in the puzzle blanks with letters. 


"I" Statement Stockings:

Next up was the art of making "I" messages. This puzzle was all about effective communication and conflict resolution, empowering students to express themselves with confidence and kindness. Conflicts and misunderstandings can arise in any situation, especially during the holiday season. So, students had to match the stocking scenario to the feeling and then choose an I message that was assertive and respectful, making sure thoughts and feelings were communicated without causing harm or blame. 


Trouble in the Toy Shop:

The elves had something to say as well. Students learned to step into someone else's shoes and understand their perspective. They practiced using empathy by reading different problems and matching them with appropriate empathetic responses.  They then used Santa's Cipher to decode a hidden message. Embracing empathy helps students appreciate diverse experiences, bridge the gap between themselves and others, and foster deep connections. It promotes inclusivity and a harmonious community.


Caring Communication:

Rudolph, the lovable reindeer, shares a story about how the other reindeer had to learn the power of using caring words. In this puzzle, students have to navigate their way through a letter maze to discover the technique for using caring words. As they make their way through the maze, they uncover the letters of the THINK acronym. This acronym reminds them to think before speaking, ensuring that their words are True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary, and Kind. It's a valuable lesson that encourages thoughtful and considerate communication among the students.


Time for some delicious cookies! As the teams solved each puzzle, they were rewarded with cookies from none other than Mrs. Claus herself. These cookies revealed that the true reward was not in personal gain but in selfless acts of kindness, following the Golden Rule. This activity provided a wonderful opportunity to reinforce the spirit of the holiday season, emphasizing the importance of being kind to others.


My favorite things about escape room lessons, besides the storyline adventures, are watching my students develop incredible teamwork skills. They collaborated, supported one another, and celebrated every success. It was amazing to witness the unity and friendship that grew among them. They experienced the joy of collective achievement and learned the strength that comes from working as a team. It was a lesson they'll carry with them throughout their lives.

Benefits for Students include: 

  • Empathy
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Communication
  • Teamwork
  • Problem-solving
  • Confidence
  • Inclusivity
  • Real-life application
  • Perspective-taking
  • Holiday spirit

Ready to Use Resource:

So, my friend, if you're looking for an unforgettable way to teach kindness, compassion, empathy, and conflict resolution, shop here for this resource:

Looking for more Holiday Escape Room Lessons? Check these out: