Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Introducing the School Counseling Program to the Faculty at the Beginning of the School Year!

Hey there! We all know school counselors are here to be the heroes of the day, right? Well, hold on to your cape because last year my co-counselor and I decided to bring some superhero vibes into our Beginning of the Year School Counseling Program presentation for the faculty. We dressed up as superheroes, complete with homemade capes from Dollar Tree plastic tablecloths and cool masks. It was a blast! Today, I'm excited to share with you the epic benefits of presenting our program in this superhero-inspired way. So, let’s fly!

Building Awareness and Understanding:

Picture this: a room full of faculty members, all eyes glazed over from a day filled with meetings! Then the Super School Counselors appear to unveil the School Counseling Program. The superhero theme instantly grabbed their attention and sparked their curiosity. Through an awesome slideshow, we showcased the essential components of our program and how it aligns with the school's overall educational goals, as well as, ASCA. It was a surefire way to make sure everyone knew what we were all about and how we contribute to student success.

Establishing Collaboration and Support:

Now, superheroes are all about teamwork, right? So, we wanted to foster a sense of collaboration and support among the faculty. We wanted teachers to know that we're here to save the day for them as well.  Establishing the components of our program encouraged open communication and cooperation among the faculty members and us, the counselors.

Recognizing and Valuing Educators:

Who doesn't love being appreciated, right? As part of our superhero campaign, we didn't stop at the presentation. On the first day of school, we rocked our superhero costumes again and surprised the teachers with some treats during their planning times. Imagine their faces when we showed up with water bottles sporting capes and a "Have a Super 1st Day" message, along with popcorn for a snack. The teachers felt valued and appreciated for their hard 1st Day of School, and we made sure to include all faculty and staff members in our gratitude-filled gesture.

Fostering a Positive School Culture:

Superheroes are known for bringing positivity wherever they go, and that's exactly what we aimed to achieve. We continued the theme with our Meet the Counselor lessons. The superhero-themed campaign created an atmosphere of excitement and unity throughout the school community. It was infectious! 

Wrapping up our superhero adventure, presenting the School Counseling Program and ourselves to students in this epic way proved to be a fantastic strategy. The superhero theme brought a whole new level of engagement and excitement, making sure our message hit home. By building awareness, fostering collaboration, recognizing educators, and fostering a positive school culture, we set the stage for an extraordinary school year! Together with the faculty and staff, we're ready to keep saving the day and empowering students to soar to new heights!

Would you like to see more about our Meet the Superhero School Counselor Lesson?
Click here to read more!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

From Classroom to School Counseling Office: Transforming Spaces

Oh boy, let me tell you about the incredible transformation that has taken place in my life this year! You see, I made a big leap and switched schools, expecting a smooth transition. After all, I've been in this game for 21 years, and with technology at our fingertips, how hard could it be, right? Well, hold onto your seats because reality hit me like a whirlwind!

Let's talk about my office situation. In my previous school, I had a cozy little counseling office all to myself, tucked away in its own peaceful corner. I could easily communicate with my colleague through the adjacent wall. We'd chat, collaborate, and support each other effortlessly. It was a harmonious setup that I took for granted. Little did I know that things were about to change drastically.

Fast forward to my new school, and guess what? My office has morphed into a full-blown classroom! Suddenly, I have all this space at my disposal, and it's exhilarating. I mean, who wouldn't love the extra breathing room? But let me tell you, it wasn't all rainbows and unicorns.

Transforming my office into a classroom was no small feat. It required heaps of effort and a fair share of investment. I scoured second-hand stores, online marketplaces, and garage sales to find furniture that would fit the bill. It became a treasure hunt, searching for the perfect pieces that would bring life and functionality to my new space. And let's not forget the challenge of ensuring everything matched seamlessly. It was like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, but with the added pressure of making it look fabulous!

As I gradually filled the classroom with desks, chairs, and all the necessary supplies, I couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. But there was still one lingering fear that held me back from going all out—uncertainty about the future. You see, I hesitated to adorn the walls with countless posters and decorations. Why, you ask? Well, because I had this nagging worry that I might get relocated to another room next year. I couldn't bear the thought of leaving behind a beautifully decorated space, only to start from scratch again. So, I took a cautious approach and kept the decor to a minimum.

But amidst all the challenges and uncertainties, there's one thing that truly stood out to me. It's the realization that change brings new opportunities. Yes, my office is now a classroom, but that means I have the chance to touch the lives of even more students. It's a space where I can create an atmosphere of learning, growth, and support. And as I settle into this new role, I'm reminded that it's not the physical surroundings that define my impact, but the dedication and passion I bring to my work.

So, there you have it—the remarkable journey of transforming my humble office into a vibrant classroom. It's been an adventure filled with surprises, hard work, and a touch of uncertainty. But through it all, I've embraced the change and found excitement in the possibilities that lie ahead. Here's to new beginnings and the countless lives we'll touch in this transformed space. Let's make it an extraordinary ride!

This was my little office for the last 8 years.

Yep! That's all my 21 years of stuff all boxed up. It does not even include my furniture!

And now this huge classroom is all mine!

Great news! There is a nature trail behind the school.

Love the nature trail!

I made my welcome sign out of an old, oval frame and foam board.

My play area with a bookshelf of toys and magnetic board to display student work.

Another whiteboard that I had to do something with because it was soooo blah. 


With a sand box and a rolling drawer full of sand toys.

My desk and counseling area.

My small group table - I love having a place to work at a table!

Here's a cozy place to solve peer disputes with a huge bulletin board.

The right side..those are plastic plates with messages written in dry-erase markers so I can change them!




A leftover wreath re-purposed with my initial.

My Door

The outside huge bulletin board!

That I never change!

Really I feel guilty for not changing it, but it is A LOT of work!

My FAVORITE bulletin board outside my door. It's interactive and I can change the message!

Looking for more ideas for your office? Check out my puppet stand in my last office!