Showing posts with label MTSS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MTSS. Show all posts

Monday, February 1, 2021

Project PEACE: Setting Up a Peer Mediation Program for Conflict Resolution in Schools

Conflict happens, and schools are no exception. But what if we could equip students with the skills to resolve disputes in a positive way? That's where peer mediation comes in. In this blog post, we'll discuss what peer mediation is, how it can be integrated into a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), and why it's a game-changer for kids, both in the short and long term.

What's Peer Mediation?

Peer mediation is like having your own conflict resolution superheroes at school. Trained student mediators step in to help their peers who are caught up in a disagreement. They remain neutral and guide the conversation, helping everyone involved understand the root of the problem, brainstorm solutions, and find a resolution that everyone agrees on. It's all about empowering students to take charge of resolving conflicts and promoting understanding among their peers.

Integrating Peer Mediation into MTSS:

Imagine a system that not only supports academic growth but also addresses behavior and social-emotional well-being. That's MTSS, and peer mediation fits right in. By incorporating peer mediation into MTSS, schools create a comprehensive framework that tackles conflicts head-on and provides early support. It's all about stopping small issues from becoming big problems.

Benefits for Kids:

  • Supercharged Confidence: Peer mediation gives students the power to make a difference. They become more confident in their ability to solve problems and develop essential leadership skills. Plus, seeing their efforts lead to positive outcomes boosts their self-esteem.
  • Communication Mastery: Through the mediation process, students learn to listen actively and communicate effectively. They discover how to express their thoughts and feelings while understanding where others are coming from. It's all about building bridges through words.
  • Conflict Resolution Ninja Skills: Peer mediation equips kids with a superpower that they can use throughout their lives. They learn problem-solving, negotiation, compromise, and creative thinking. These skills come in handy in all sorts of situations, not just at school.
  • A Better School Vibe: When students know there's a safe space to resolve conflicts, it transforms the school climate. Peer mediation promotes respect, empathy, and a sense of belonging, making the entire school a better place to learn and grow.

Long-Term Results:

  • Less Discipline, More Smiles: With peer mediation, disciplinary issues take a nosedive. By addressing conflicts early on, the program prevents small problems from spiraling into big trouble. Students can learn and thrive without the burden of constant punishments.
  • Improved Academic Learning: When students feel supported and safe, they can focus on their studies. By reducing conflicts and nurturing positive relationships, peer mediation indirectly boosts academic performance. It's a win-win.
  • Skills for Life: The conflict resolution skills learned through peer mediation extend far beyond school walls. Students carry these skills into adulthood, becoming responsible citizens who can peacefully resolve conflicts in any setting.

Setting Up a Peer Mediation Program:

So now that you know how much of a game-changer Peer Mediation is, I’m sure you are wondering, what is needed to get a Peer Mediation Program started in my school? Well, look no further because I am going to share with you how I set up Project PEACE, a Peer Mediation Program at my school. In this section, I'll walk you through the steps to set up a successful peer mediation program in your school.

#1 Get the Faculty on Board: To kickstart the program, it's essential to gain support from your school's faculty. I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH!!! Take the time to educate teachers and staff about the amazing benefits of peer mediation. Show them how it can improve the overall school climate and enhance student well-being. Once they see the positive impact it can have, you'll have their support in no time!

#2 Rally Student Engagement: Your students' participation is key to making the program a success. So, let's get them excited about peer mediation! Get creative with your approaches to promote it among the student body. Organize cool awareness campaigns, have hashtags everywhere with QR codes to sign up, host engaging presentations, and plaster posters and flyers all over the school. Show your students how peer mediation can give them a voice and contribute to a more harmonious school environment. #ProjectPEACE

#3 Handpick Awesome Peer Mediators: Now it's time to select the superheroes who will become your peer mediators. Look for students who possess the qualities needed to excel in this role. To make the selection process a breeze, check out the Project PEACE Peer Mediator Selection Pack. It's loaded with tools and resources to help you identify the most qualified candidates. Talk about saving time and effort!

#4 Equip Mediators with Super Skills: Once you've chosen your peer mediators, it's training time! Equip them with the necessary skills for successful mediation. You can purchase established training programs or get creative and develop your own materials. Consider incorporating small group lessons on conflict resolution and mediation techniques. Teach them active listening, effective communication, empathy, and the art of staying neutral!

#5 Navigate Conflicts Like Pros: Your mediators are trained and ready to go, but they'll need a structured process to guide their mediation sessions. Enter the Project PEACE Peer Mediation Process Packet! This handy resource provides guided mediation scripts and essential forms to conduct successful peer mediations. It's like a secret weapon that empowers your mediators to navigate conflicts like seasoned pros.

#6 Evaluation: To keep things running smoothly, establish a system for evaluating the effectiveness of your peer mediation program. Regularly assess its impact and gather feedback from participants to make any necessary improvements. This data is perfect to share with your administrators, teachers, parents, and invested supporters! set up a scheduling system that ensures mediation sessions don't disrupt academic activities. It's all about finding that perfect balance!

#7 Scheduling: Set up a scheduling system that ensures mediation sessions don't disrupt academic activities. Along with scheduling, make sure the mediation takes place in a confidential area where students can safely express their concerns. It's all about finding that perfect balance! 

Investing in a peer mediation program will transform your school's conflict resolution culture and empower your students to become leaders and problem-solvers. Just imagine the positive ripple effects it will have on your school's climate and the lifelong skills your students will develop.

So, don't wait any longer! Take the first step towards implementing a peer mediation and create a more peaceful and inclusive learning environment for everyone. It's time to make a real difference!

Ready to Use Resource

Shop Here for the Project PEACE Program:

Looking for Conflict Resolution Lessons? Check Tuckerhese out!

Monday, February 11, 2019

Developing a Behavior RTI Program: A Simplified Approach for School Counselors


In this blog post, I want to share my experience of developing a Behavior RTI (Response to Intervention) program alongside my co-counselor. While I'm not an expert or a paid consultant, I'll provide insights into how we tackled this undaunting initiative and established a streamlined process.

Transitioning to BRTI Management:

Back in 2015, our school district entrusted school counselors with the enormous role of managing the Behavior RTI program. While we received some guidance from the District Office regarding tier structures and suggested interventions, we were essentially starting from scratch. We had no set procedures, forms, or ready-made solutions to rely on. This compelled us to conduct extensive research and prioritize the development of teacher-friendly guidelines.

Creating Streamlined Guidelines:

Understanding that teachers have busy schedules and lengthy forms can be grueling, our goal was to make the BRTI process clear, concise, and easily manageable. To achieve this, we established a shared Google folder housing all the necessary forms. The first form we deemed crucial was a simple flowchart, condensing the BRTI Program Overview onto a single page. Using our district's RTI guide for elementary schools, which encompassed both academic and Behavior RTI services, we crafted an overview highlighting the step-by-step process through the tiers.

Behavior RTI Response to intervention Flow Chart

Simplifying the Referral Process:

Behavior RTI Response to intervention MTSS Teacher Referral

Recognizing the importance of an accessible and user-friendly system, we designed an Online Student Referral Form for teachers and other stakeholders to request BRTI team meetings for tier 2 or 3 services. This form features checkboxes, allowing completion within just 5 minutes. Clicking on the provided link directs users to the referral form, which collects essential information for the team's discussion and planning.

Referral Form Details:

The referral form prompts the referrer to provide relevant background information about the student, including strengths, historical context, teacher observations, and the most challenging behaviors exhibited. To offer a clearer picture, an example of the form's results is illustrated below.

Behavior RTI Response to intervention MTSS Teacher Referral

Efficient Data Management:

Upon receiving a request for BRTI services, a dedicated Google folder is created for the referred student. This folder is then shared with the core BRTI team, enabling seamless access to all pertinent data related to the student. This centralized approach facilitates effective collaboration among team members.

Behavior RTI Response to intervention MTSS Teacher Referral

Effortless Behavior Tracking:

To streamline the data collection process, we developed an Online Behavior Tracking Form accessible via a provided link. Teachers can conveniently complete the form within just 1 minute per behavior incident. By saving the link to their bookmark bar, teachers can easily access the form whenever needed. Alternatively, teachers can opt for a paper-pencil version and enter the data using the link later.

Behavior RTI Response to intervention MTSS Behavior Tracking

Understanding the Online Form:

The online form encompasses four essential areas: Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence, and Student's Pay-off. Teachers provide details about what triggers the behavior (Antecedent), specify the most problematic behavior, describe the resulting consequences, and identify what the student gains from engaging in the behavior. This information allows us to design targeted interventions that prevent problematic behaviors and promote desirable ones.

Behavior RTI Response to intervention MTSS Behavior Tracking

Comprehensive Data Gathering:

In addition to the behavior tracking data, the team can collect various other forms of data during the two-week period. This includes information such as grades, attendance records, office referrals, reinforcement outcomes, and academic RTI data. Gathering a diverse range of data enriches our understanding of the student's overall performance and helps tailor interventions more effectively.

Behavior RTI Response to intervention MTSS Behavior Tracking

Reviewing Data and Identifying Patterns:

After two weeks of collecting data, our core BRTi Team meets. During the BRTI meeting, the team carefully examines all the collected data, including the Behavior Tracking records, to gain insights into the student's behaviors. By analyzing this information, we can identify patterns in antecedents and problematic behaviors, providing valuable clues for intervention planning. This collaborative approach ensures that multiple perspectives contribute to the decision-making process.

Introducing the ABC . . . 123 Form:

To facilitate documentation and maintain a structured approach during BRTI meetings, we created the ABC . . . 123 Form. This form captures essential elements of the discussion and planning process. It includes sections to record data collected, document observed patterns related to antecedents and problematic behaviors, and outline agreed-upon behavioral goals and interventions. By utilizing this form, the team ensures consistency and clarity in tracking progress and maintaining a comprehensive record of the meeting outcomes.

Behavior RTI Response to intervention MTSS ABC 123 Meeting Documentation Form

Tailoring Interventions:

Based on the data analysis and discussion during the BRTI meeting, the team collaboratively decides which Tier-level interventions will effectively address the identified barriers to learning for the student referred for BRTI services. These interventions are designed to support the student's behavioral growth, provide targeted support, and promote a positive learning environment.

Behavior Report Cards for Documentation and Accountability:

At our school, Behavior Report Cards serve as valuable tools for teachers to document student progress and behaviors. They can be implemented using smileys/frownies or points, depending on the age of the students. These report cards not only assist teachers in keeping track of student behaviors but also foster accountability and goal attainment. Students can earn privileges or rewards based on their points, reinforcing positive behavior choices.

Electronic Goal Tracking for Efficient Data Collection:

To streamline the data collection process and ensure easy access to progress records, we utilize an Electronic Goal Tracking Data Collection Google Sheet. This sheet is stored in the shared student folder, allowing teachers to input documentation on a daily basis. As data is added, the Google Sheet automatically updates the accompanying pie chart, providing a visual representation of progress. The shared folder enables the core team to view the student's progress at any given time, promoting collaboration and informed decision-making.

Behavior RTI Response to intervention MTSS ABC 123 Goal Data Tracking Form

Review Meeting and Follow-up Documentation:

Approximately 6-8 weeks after the initial BRTI meeting, we conduct a review meeting to assess the progress of the student's behavioral goals. During this meeting, the core team discusses whether any adjustments are needed regarding goals, interventions, or Tier status. To ensure comprehensive documentation, the follow-up section of the ABC . . . 123 form is utilized to record the outcomes of the review meeting. This documentation captures the team's discussions and decisions, providing a valuable reference for future planning and support.


Overall, the Behavior RTI program enhances data-driven decision-making, promotes collaboration among the core team, and empowers students to take ownership of their behavioral growth while creating a positive and supportive learning environment. 

Top 10 Benefits:

  1. Streamlined Process: The development of teacher-friendly guidelines and a clear, concise process ensures a streamlined approach to Behavior RTI implementation.
  2. Enhanced Accessibility: The Online Student Referral Form and Online Behavior Tracking Form provide easy access for teachers and stakeholders, simplifying the process of requesting BRTI meetings and documenting behavior incidents.
  3. Efficient Data Management: The creation of a dedicated Google folder for each referred student allows for centralized storage and seamless sharing of data among the core BRTI team, promoting effective collaboration.
  4. Targeted Interventions: By analyzing data collected from various sources, including Behavior Tracking records and additional data points, the team gains insights into patterns and triggers, enabling the design of targeted interventions to prevent problematic behaviors and promote desirable ones.
  5. Documentation and Accountability: The use of Behavior Report Cards facilitates documentation of student progress and behaviors, fostering accountability for both teachers and students. This tool can also be shared with parents to promote transparency and involvement in the student's behavioral growth.
  6. Efficient Data Collection: The implementation of an Electronic Goal Tracking Data Collection Google Sheet simplifies the process of collecting and tracking progress data. Teachers can input documentation daily, and the accompanying pie chart provides a visual representation of progress.
  7. Collaboration and Decision-making: Review meetings held approximately 6-8 weeks after the initial BRTI meeting allow the core team to assess goal progress and make necessary adjustments. The ABC . . . 123 form facilitates structured documentation, ensuring consistency and clarity in decision-making.
  8. Tailored Interventions: The collaborative decision-making process during BRTI meetings helps identify and select the most appropriate Tier-level interventions to address barriers to learning. This personalized approach ensures targeted support for students' behavioral growth.
  9. Promotes Positive Learning Environment: The combination of Behavior Report Cards, goal tracking, and targeted interventions fosters a positive learning environment where students are accountable for their behavior choices and have the opportunity to earn rewards or privileges based on their progress.
  10. Comprehensive Documentation: The use of various forms, such as the referral form, ABC . . . 123 form, and electronic goal tracking sheet, ensures comprehensive documentation of the BRTI process, providing a valuable reference for future planning and support.

Ready to Use Resource!

Ready to streamline your Behavior RTI program and enhance student outcomes? Take the next step towards effective behavior intervention by investing in this comprehensive Behavior RTI program today.

With this program, you'll benefit from a streamlined process, teacher-friendly guidelines, and efficient data management. Simplify the referral process, track behaviors effortlessly, and gather comprehensive data to inform targeted interventions. This program promotes collaboration, documentation, and accountability, ensuring that every student receives the support they need to succeed.

Behavior RTI Response to intervention MTSS Program Bundle

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