Showing posts with label Office. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Office. Show all posts

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Transform Your School Counseling Office with a Picket Fence Puppet Stand: Unleashing Creativity and Fun!

Welcome to my very first blog post! I've been racking my brain, wondering, "Where on earth do I even begin?" But I've decided to kick things off right where my day starts every single morning: my office! It may not be the grandest space, but I try to make it inviting and fun!

You see, I have the incredible privilege of being an elementary school counselor, and that means I've got my hands full with all sorts of delightful puppets. Yep, you heard that right – puppets! But here's the thing: where in the world do you store all these lovable, fuzzy characters? Ah-ha! I've discovered the most ingenious solution – a picket fence!

My office is like a puppet paradise, with a picket fence standing tall and proud, showcasing my colorful puppet collection. It's a sight to behold! And the kiddos just can't get enough of them. They absolutely adore grabbing those puppets, using them to chat away, and even reenacting their favorite stories. It's like a mini theater in there!

Every day, my office transforms into a world of imagination and excitement. The moment those kids step through the door, their eyes light up, and they rush over to the picket fence, eagerly play with the puppets.

So, here I am, embarking on this blogging adventure, and what better way to start than by sharing this magical corner of my world with all of you? That's all for now! But stay tuned, because I've got plenty more stories and ideas to share. Until next time, keep those imaginations running wild and those puppets at the ready! Catch you on the flip side!