Monday, August 21, 2017

New Student Survival Kits: Welcoming Students and Building Connections with Your School Counselor

Hey there, it's a brand new year, and guess what? I have a whopping 50 new students, just in 2nd and 4th grade! And that's not even counting the little Kindergartners that are also new to our school! I wanted to give them a warm welcome and make sure they remember who I am and what I do. But with so many new faces, I had to get a little creative without breaking the bank. That's when the idea of the New Student Survival Kits came to me.

These kits are the perfect little gifts to hand out when I meet my new students for the first time. I made a list of 9 items to include in each kit, along with a description of why I chose each one. Such as a band-aid to represent the school counselor is there to help when you get hurt or an eraser to represent that the school counselor helps you understand everyone makes mistakes. Then, I popped everything into a zip-lock bag, along with the list. And you won't believe it—I managed to buy all the items and bags for just $14 at the Dollar Tree. Score!

Now, here's the really exciting part. When new students meet their school counselor, it opens up a world of benefits for them. First and foremost, I'm here to provide support. Whether it's academic, social, or emotional, I'm ready to lend a helping hand. By having that initial meeting and receiving the New Student Survival Kit, students are encouraged to connect with me whenever they need guidance or someone to talk to.

Building a relationship with their school counselor also promotes a sense of belonging and community. I want my students to feel supported and connected within our school. By taking the time to meet them and explain my role, students realize that they have an advocate in their corner. They know they can count on me to create a safe and inclusive environment where they can thrive.

So, with the New Student Survival Kits, I hope to make that initial meeting even more special! 

Ready to use Resource

If you're interested, you can snag the New Student Survival Kit printables for FREE here:

Check out another fun New Student Activity:

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